Beekeeping in Georgia:
a 5 500-year-old craft
Georgia is said to have the longest tradition of bee keeping in the world.

The climatic and natural conditions in Georgia are very favourable for keeping bees, especially because of the diversity of the different localities and their flora.
Why honey from Georgia?
Georgians were not only the world’s first winemakers, but they were also pioneering beekeepers.
Georgia is a homeland of the world-renowned Mountain Grey Caucasian Honey Bee — the strongest species of bees.
There are a lot of mountain meadows here which are not polluted neither by intensive agriculture activity nor industry.
About 250 endemic melliferous flowers and plants grow on the territory of our country that give a special taste to our honey.
LAMARIA LCC is a creative Georgian company that develops the production of the highest quality honey in a range of leading Georgian honey regions
We founded Lamaria company for the production and sale of honey in 2021 during the crisis associated with the pandemic. At that time, it became especially clear that our health directly depends on the quality of the foods we eat.
October, 2022
Participation in the International Exhibition SIAL
January, 2022
Opening new headquarters in Ostrava (Czech Republic)
October, 2021
The first delivery of honey to Czech Republic and expansion into Europe
April, 2021
The foundation of Lamaria LCC
We continue to expand production, save bees and thank our partners, distributors and sellers for their trust and cooperation
July, 2022
Product line stretching: now we have four types of honey
November, 2021
Opening of a subsidiary company «Hey, Honey!»‎ LCC. and the beginning of sales of honey gift sets in the local market.
June, 2021
Obtaining a certificate HACCP for the production of honey
Get in touch with us
Contact in Georgia
Pavel Obdržalek
Representation of the company in the Czech Republic
Contact in Czech Republic
Director of Sales
General Director Levan Bigvava